Hi guys, today I'll be sharing all about Breena's latest releases: the Alluring Diamond & Sweet Macaron Sponges!
I actually filmed a video reviewing and demo-ing these sponges as well!
*Remember to like the video and subscribe to my channel!
Y'all know that I love Breena's Blending Pearls, and it's the sponge that I use the most! I use it for my concealer, foundation and baking!
Breena recently collaborated with Hermo to add 4 new sponges to their makeup sponge line:

Available in 2 sets, the Alluring Diamond Sponge is a multi-faceted, latex-free beauty sponge allows multiple makeup product applications without cross-contaminating your colours, and the Sweet Macaron Sponge has rounded edges let you apply base makeup seamlessly for a flawless finish.

These sponges are available on Breena's offline store in Mytown + online on Breena's website & Hermo's website.
The Alluring Diamond Sponge retails for RM39.90 and comes with 2 sponges:

The Sweet Macaron Sponge retails for RM24.90 and comes with 2 sponges as well:

The sponges come packaged in a plastic box, which you can use to store them again:

The diamond sponge is maroon in colour and looks kinda like Hermo's logo! it has white marbling which is quite pretty and reminds me of marble cake hahaha

As I mentioned, the diamond sponge comes in 2 sizes:

The macaron sponges are purple and pink in colour, and they have each have 2 curved surfaces! I think this would be useful for makeup artists who have to blend out multiple models/clients' faces/complexion products but don't want to mix up the foundation shades.

Unlike the diamond sponge, these two sponges are the same size.

These sponges are latex free and are totally scent free as well. When I got them out of the cases, they felt super fresh and were super soft to the touch!
The diamond sponge is similar to the normal blending pearls, but it does feel slightly spongier. Still soft, firm and smooth though!

The macaron sponges feel firmer, and you can use it to blend/stamp out your foundation with the rounded edge. (I don't think the rimmed sides would be of any use though since they're textured hahaha)

As with all sponges, I usually dampen it first and squeeze out all excess water. I then apply my concealer & let it set for a few seconds. Next, I blend it out with the small Diamond Sponge:

Since the size is small, it did manage to cover only the spot I wanted cover + didn't thin it out by spreading it to other spots.
To apply foundation, I first put the product on my face with a flat foundation brush, followed by buffing it out with the Macaron Sponge:

The sponge is basically similar to the bottom end of Breena's Blending Pearl/a normal beauty sponge. The rounder area makes it easy to buff foundation out. I like how it didn't absorb the product too much and kind of had a "stamping" effect on my foundation.
After foundation, I highlight my under eyes with the same concealer + blend it out with the small Diamond sponge again. The size makes it perfect for blending out the tiny area without getting any of the product on other parts of my face:

To prevent my under eyes from creasing, I immediately set it with powder. I only do the eyes first because I'm not done with the rest of my cream products yet. The size of the sponge makes it easy to do spot-setting, and the flat side ensures its baked well!

Product used: MAC Cosmetics Patrick's Powder
To contour my cheeks, I used the big Diamond Sponge. The size/shape of one side is actually perfect for measuring the amount of product needed + the shape of your contour. Here I am stamping it on, and as you can see, the stamp on itself was a perfect contour shape!

Product used: Etude House Play 101 Stick
Of course, I still blended it out for a more natural finish, but I really like how it made contouring faster & easier for me.
I also used the big Diamond Sponge to contour my jaw for a sharper more contoured look:

After that, I was done with my liquid/cream complexion products. I then set my face with powder using a brush + completed the rest of my makeup!

I think the diamond sponges are pretty good and unique! The small sponge helped to nicely blend out my concealer + set my undereye area without getting powder everywhere else, and the big diamond sponge created a nice contour shape on my cheeks & blended it out nicely. I would definitely recommend you guys to get it and to try it out as well.

As for the macaron sponges, although I did like how it buffed my foundation out + the slight stamping effect, I don't think its a must-buy. It would be useful for makeup artists who handle several clients, but if you're a normal makeup lover like me, I would recommend you go for the original Blending Pearls instead!

The blending pearls will help you buff out your foundation with the round butt easily, and the pointed edge will help with your foundation. It won't be able to help you make a contour shape like the diamond sponge, but it will be able to help you blend your cream contour easily + bake your face with the flat edge.

I quite like the Macaron sponge & the Diamond sponge, and I would definitely consider repurchasing the diamond one again! Since one set comes with 2 of each, I think they'll last me for a while. Sponges are supposed to be replaced after 3 months of use, but with proper cleaning and storage, I usually keep and use mine for longer (around 6 months to a year at most).

And that's it for this post! If you'd like to see the sponges in action, check out my video:
*Remember to like the video and subscribe to my channel!
*Remember to like the video and subscribe to my channel!
I hope you guys found my review helpful and informative, see y'all in the next post!

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