Hi guys! Happy April 1st! The heat has successfully melted me and made me lazier than usual, but anyway, today I'll be sharing some of the stuff that's happened this past few weeks!
(Side note: OMG 2016 is already 25% done???!)
As I'm typing this post, it's currently 9pm, I haven't had dinner yet and I'm friggin hungry, so here's a few pictures of food for you to drool over XD

The end of my semester was quite busy. We only had 3 classes but we had to come up with a TVC, campaigns and all that stuff for our Media Planning and Creative Strategy classes. The plus side of the whole thing was that I got to eat the food we shot and I managed to get this amazing sunset shot!

My hair's been the longest that its ever been and it's been a love hate relationship. I can braid it and its fun to play with, but sometimes it curls weirdly and I look ratchet af
I had some plans for my hair which you'll read more about later, so if you're curious, read on!
The last few weeks of my sem meant studying for finals and as always, it was not a pretty scene. In my first semester I got a 3.5 for my CGPA, and it dropped quite a bit. Since a 3.8 is clearly out of my reach, I did my best so I could end my diploma with at least a 3.5. I have to step it up!
This shot was taken one night after studying and doesn't it look so dramatic? XD
Presentations were also part of my last few weeks of sem. I had this whole schoolboy fantasy going on and I managed to put on a whole uniform ensemble! Although its not visible, I'm wearing maroon shorts and I thought the whole aesthetic looked very Jimin-ish during their Dope era hahaha
Props to my sister for this quick sketch!
Before my finals, two of my BFFs Caryn and Sammi came to Penang and I managed to meet up with them!
I met Caryn and her friends for dinner one night, and I was supposed to go with them up to Batu Ferringhi, but I legit died on my bed till 1/2pm. I felt so bad that I couldn't pei her T.T
Sammi came on the day that Caryn left. I was lucky enough because Fufy was with me that day and she was kind enough to drive us up to the Starbucks in Batu where we caught up.
I was looking back at the selfie below and I thought it was so weird seeing my high school friend and college friend both in the same photo XD
She left a day (or two days I forgot) after, and I hope I get to go to Singapore soon T.T As you can see in the photo my hair is messed up T.T
And Sammeh was super kind enough to give me so many goodies! She's legit my number 1 product provider and I was super thankful! She usually gives me samples and products, but this time round it was A LOT of stuff and do you see that Klairs BB Cream???? That's full sized and it ain't cheap! So shoutout to you Sammeh for being awesome!
I feel like I need to buy you a meal real soon hahaha.
After those mentally relieving meetups, it was time for finals and it was not fun. I'm just glad that it's over.
On a happier note, my junior Izudin successfully registered Snapchat geotags for KDU! It's awesome because I actually didn't know that you could do that. As for the design students in KDU, where ya'll at??? WHATS GOOD???!
Recently I've been getting into makeup and it's a lot harder than what it seems. I've always been interested in beauty and all that stuff, and I've been watching makeup tutorials for so long now that I thought "I got this!".
Foundation is easy, but everything else I find that I gotta practice some more. Every time I draw eyebrows they turn out too thick and weird, but I shall practice and level up!
I understand that I gotta spend quite a bit if I want to get into makeup and I don't mind going slow and slowly getting contour/highlight palettes, concealers, fan brushes and all that good stuff ^^
When sem break was finally upon us, I felt so free! TBC planned a trip to Melaka and KL but in the end only Bella, Kevin and I went. It was still great though!
So the plan was that we sleepover at Kevin's place and we leave at 6ish to take the train to KL and take a bus from there to Melaka.
On that night, SHIT WENT DOWN.
We were stopped by the police literally 1 minute after exiting our apartment's car park when we turned into a road. It was just a normal road check, but as you can see below, Kevin had a blonde mohawk and I had my hair tied into Miley Cyrus buns. We looked hella suspicious and they asked all the guys (Me, Kevin and Tim) to get out the car. They then asked for identification and HELL NOH I didn't have my passport with me. I left it with my mum when we went to Singapore! I had my resident pass card and my licence, but the cops insisted that I needed my passport because I was a foreigner. Discrimination much? Anyways, they proceeded to search the car and I to be honest although I did nothing wrong, I felt so illegal!
After more interrogation, this motorcycle turned into the road, saw the cops and ran away. The cops proceeded to chase him and the main cop questioning us finally let me go.
When we were on our way I found out that I could have gotten into deeper legal shit and I'm not saying for what it is but thank God for that motor that ran away! What a way to start out trip really...
So yeah, we slept for about an hour and left headed to Butterworth at 6am
We got to catch the sunrise at the train station before we left~
This marks the 3rd time I've been on a train in Malaysia and this was NOTHING like the first two times. It was legit freezing in that train! I'm not kidding, it was fucking 0 degrees in there! The worst thing was that I was wearing a thin ass shirt and shorts. My jacket was of NO help and the 3 and a half hour train ride was pure torture!
They had a mini bar that sold super expensive food, so if you ever take a train remember to bring loads of cover and food.
After grabbing a quick bite at Burger King we took a bus from KL Sentral to Melaka!
We arrived in Melaka in the evening and after diner, Bevin, my siblings and I went for the river cruise in Melaka's heritage area. I haven't been on the cruise before and it was definitely and experience. It wasn't on a Venice kind of level but it had its own charm to it. If you ever go on it I advise you not to sit in front like we did because we legit got river water facials throughout the whole cruise hahaha
After that we walked around the area and I actually learned a few things about Melaka like how it was founded and named.
The next day, we headed off to the zoo! I know, its very touristy and there's more famous zoos in KL and Taiping, but it was just part of the itinerary we came up with. We initially wanted to go to the Crocodile Farm as well, but they were fake and posted wrong ticket prices on their website, so no.
So yeah, after walking across, we bought our tickets and headed in!
The animals were okay, nothing fancy or rare. To be honest the zoo was quite poorly maintained and needs a bit of a facelift, but nonetheless it was pretty interesting. When we went, the temperature was scorching, but surprisingly enough it was only uncomfortably hot in the mini safari.
We managed to catch a bird show and while waiting for it to start I actually fell asleep. I was tired okay?
After the show we headed to the mini safari and it looked hella dry. At first I thought that they made the aesthetic look African/authentic, but it was just ratchet and dry.
The next morning we headed to Pantai Klebang which is actually a beach which is well known because it has a desert looking beach. Its definitely a must to drop by and take few pictures because this place is quite popular on Instagram, but be warned! It really is like a desert in the sense that the heat terrible! Imagine the heat wave Malaysia's been having TIMES 5. Remember to bring an umbrella and marinate in sunblock an hour before.
I was so over the heat because I was trying to take pictures but although it was hot, there were also very strong winds blowing in every direction. I didn't understand the logic hahaha. In the end I didn't get a nice selfie and got this photo which perfectly captures how done I was with the weather.
In the afternoon we headed to the Melaka Planetarium. It was okay, but they had a 360 degree dome theatre which was quite cool!
After Melaka, Bevin and I were joined by Yana and Euri and the 5 of us headed to KL. After dropping our stuff down at Bella's house we went over to Publika and had some chocolate.
Okay, so little rant, after chocolate we headed back to the car and the car had a bit of trouble starting up. While Bella was trying to get it to start, I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up, the car was on but my siblings actually went back in to Publika. Soooooo I had to get down and actually look for them. One problem was that I didn't have credit and my siblings weren't picking up when Bella called. I ended up walking around in Publika for 20 minutes. I gave up and went back to the car but nooooooooooo the car was gone! I was like...is this a prank like what is happening???!!!
Luckily after a few minutes of more angry walking, Kevin called me and told me to wait somewhere for them to pick me up. Turns out as soon as I left the car to look for my siblings they came back to the car. Sigh.
Luckily after a few minutes of more angry walking, Kevin called me and told me to wait somewhere for them to pick me up. Turns out as soon as I left the car to look for my siblings they came back to the car. Sigh.
Anyways we had dinner at Bella's house and after that we had a few friendly rounds of Monopoly. On a side note, ever since the face swap filter became available on Snapchat I was reaally curious how I would look like if I did it with my siblings. Needless to say, the results were disturbing.
After that went for a quick drive out and I actually saw the Istana (Royal palace) for the first time. Also, I made a mental list of places I wanted to go to aka every Sephora in KL to hunt down these two products that I've been looking for but couldn't find in Penang and online.
After that drive, we didn't really feel like sleeping yet. Bella's sister Venessa suggested going out for McD, and after ordering she generously paid for us omg thanks again Venessa!
Kevin sadly had to go back to Penang the next day to catch a flight to Singapore for a hiphop event. After breakfast and dropping him off, we headed off to Times Square

where I finally got a phone case! Legit, the struggle to find a cute silicone case was so real! I'm using an S6 and I don't know if it's because its new or anything, but its legit been a year since it was released and all the places I checked in Ipoh and Penang were very unsatisfactory. I was specifically looking for the Moschino French Fries case (late to the trend, I know), but I found this instead! It's Brown from Line! ^^
After walking around we headed to Sunway Pyramid. We initially wanted to go ice skating but it was so crowded! Plus the ice was watery, so nope.
Lunch was quick and satisfactory at Carl's Jr. and after more walking around/window shopping we headed back. I was kinda disappointed because the Sephora in Pyramid didn't have that much stuff and didn't have the stuff I was looking for. We were planning to go to the Sephora in Starhill the next day, so I was deliberating on whether I should just give up with Sephora and buy clothes instead...
The next day came too quick and before we knew it it was the end of out KL visit!
We headed to Pavilion becase Starhill/Sephora was nearby and we wanted to walk around the Bukit Bintang area as well.
Lo and behold the products I was looking for in Sephora WEREN'T THERE. Sigh. And the Starhill shop actually disappointed me, like on the outside it looks fab and all but in the inside its literally so small, like the one in Paragon is either the same size or even bigger. Disappointed.
After lunch we headed to KLCC and it was soooo hot. We walked through this walkway connecting Pavilion and KLCC and it was convenient and everything but the HEAT! T.T
Anyways, my sister wanted to pass by Kinokuniya, so off we went.
And after that we bid Bella goodbye and went on out way to the train station. Now. First of all we got on the wrong train
got off on the next station, found out that we were actually on the right train just now and had to wait for another one to come, which made us waste like 10 minutes of our time.
Then, we bought out bus tickets at TBS
Only to find out that the bus we were taking had NO aircon. Really? First ultra coldness, now heat? I was so over it and I was just really glad when we reached Melaka.
A few days later, my brother and I decided to visit the Kiehl's mural in Jonker Street! I made a whole post about that so if you're interested in reading more about that, click here!
And a few days after that, I was featured on Hermo.my as the 7th featured blogger for their Excuse My Beauty Series! I was super happy because I've been a fan of their site since EVER and I was honored that they chose me, but I did kind of feel a little bit cheated. Compared to the previous featured blogger, I was not promoted as well as she was. Her post and pictures were reposted on Instagram and only my product flatlay was reposted, initially not even tagging me! I asked for them to tag me and if they could feature me the same way, but they said they couldn't. I was also featured on their home page, but only for a few days.
Aside from typing up a post, I also made a video for Hermo because since the previous featured blogger did it, I thought I'd give it a try. I worked really hard on it and watching it back now, I kind of cringe because my god the way I talk is so weird and whenever I remember how I look in the video/the video in general I cringe internally. However, I decided not to delete it and for it to serve as a reminder for me to improve more if I really want to continue using Youtube as a platform.
That being said, I worked really hard on both taking pictures + blogging and the making the video, and the fact that Hermo didn't really seem to appreciate my work was kind of dis-encouraging. I still like their site and their discounts, but in terms of brand image they kind of sank down a little bit because of this experience.
Anyways, one goal for me during my semester break was to get gray hair! I was inspired by a lot of celebrities but the one that really made me want to get gray hair was Nyane Lebajoa. She's so pretty and her pictures are just goals af!!! She was a darker skin tone than all of my gray hair inspirations and seeing how well it worked for her made me want to try it as well.
As always, my brother Euri helped me with the bleaching/dyeing process. In the first gif below you can see me running my fingers through my silky silky hair. Sad to say that right now it is no longer silky T.T I gotta show my hair some love, especially after all the shit I put it through...
After a haircut and a shiz ton of bleach, here was the final colour! This is the lightest my hair's been and it was so hard trying to lift it because my hair was just fried and didn't want to cooperate.
And after dyeing it, here's how it turned out!

I'll be posting a detailed post on how you can achieve gray hair in just RM80 soon, so do keep an eye out for that!
I spent the rest of my sem break just lounging around in my house. There wasn't much I could do because of the heat. I took pictures for my brother and I also managed to catch Yutaki's live chat on Line.
Before I started my semster, my family dropped by Ipoh again before sending me off. As usual we had Michelangelo's for dinner, and a got to visit my fave dimsum place for breakfast one morning as well.
And after 2 whole weeks of break, I was off to college again FOR THE LAST TIME!
It's crazy how this is the last semester of my diploma! It seems just like yesterday that I started college and here I am now finishing my diploma. I know what you're thinking, "Omg you've only been taking diploma all this while?!" "Aiya you still have degree what". To be honest, I would love to continue to degree and I even plan on taking marketing/social media marketing if I do. The truth of the matter is that two of my siblings will be starting college soon and although taking my degree seems to be the better choice if I want to stand out among other people in my field, I'm just scared that my family won't be able to handle 3 tertiary school fees, one high school and one primary shool at the same time. I don't mind just working for a bit after my internship and then only continuing my degree. I'll be behind a bit but I understand how money works and I just have to accept the fact that if I do want my degree I'll have to work to at least contribute towards it.
Anyways, as I mentioned this is my last sem! Meaning August will most likely be my last month in Penang! I've grown to love Penang (definitely more than Melaka and just a liiiiiitle bit over Ipoh) and I just can't bear to leave it. It feels like I just got here! That's mainly the reason why I titled this post "SO CLOSE", because another end is so close and I feel like I just want time to slow down a bit. Responsibilities and work life await me and I just want to savour every minute of my student life while I still have it.
Anyways, I did a little therapy shopping and got a few shirts from H&M the other day. I really wanted this biker jacket because I had this whole image in my head since last month, but the one i H&M costs RM249 and heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no I ain't going to spend that much on something. Well, maybe not now la. The Coachella collections are out and omg this jumper was so cute, but I'm not sure how I feel about the length of the knees...
Cotton On also had a sale where I bought this hat for just RM15. I also got a bag for charity and it doesn't count if its for charity okay.
Bevin, JJ and I recently visited Hammock Cafe just to chill
And Fufy and I had dimsum the other day

Aaaand that's it for this post! Thanks for sticking by and reading till the end (although it was kinda boring, even by my standards). Keep awesome and stay tuned for more posts!
PS. I've been having Britney Fever these past few weeks! I downloaded her top tracks and I've been listening to Work Bitch NON STOP!
Mamamoo's latest album has also been giving me LIFE
Thanks for reading!
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