anyways, the fanclub is called EXO-L because in the alphabet, the letter between K and M is L, and the L in EXO-L means Love, therefore EXO-L keeps EXO-K and EXO-M together, so together we are one! ^^ *i know right, this is another level hahahaha i seriously wanna meet the people who keep on coming up with these stuff*. L is also the 12th letter in the alphabet, so srsly this fanclub name has the most number of meanings XD
\when you access the website ** this is what you'll see
zero stars muahahahaha i was one of the bishes that got here first muahahaha *that or their servers were already going haywire kkk*
the logo almost brought tears to my eyes T.T its EXO's first logo from the MAMA era and i just... THE FEELS YOOOOOO T.T they've gone through more logos and so many stuff, and here we are now, starting again. in the constellation with their names, Kris isn't in. as expected, but it still hurts T.T but from this, i literally stared at it for a few seconds. at that moment i really felt that EXO is starting again, with 11 members...
and you're going to have to click on login on the top right corner
and register. if you already have an account for SMTOWN's main website *like me*, you won't have to make an account. just login!
if you don't have an SMTOWN account, you can register either on SMTOWN's page or register directly on the EXO-L website.
i'm telling you guys although the whole process is so freaking easy IT IS SO HARD TO COMPLETE because the servers crash so much! i think too many people freaked out and are all trying to log in/register hahaha
it's already been so LONGGGG and i'm still loading @.@ anyways aside from EXO's Line message, Sehun also updated his Instagram!
after Sehun was Chanyeol's update
and manager hyung
EXO-L is having an event where they're giving away 11 lucky boxes *like in the SM Pop-up store anniversary event* and a few other stuff. when i finally get to login i'll update this post! :D
at the bottom of the page there are icons of Google Play and iTunes, so i'm assuming they're have an EXO-L app to go with their website~
*update* at 2.49pm in Malaysia (which is about 3.49KST), i was finally successful in logging in! this is what it looks like
this is what the home looks like:
does that mean i'm the 8269th user lol
i clicked on L-Card and got this
if you click on the EXO-L logo, you'll get an intro and the stuff you get if you win the quiz
if you click on the members' symbols, you'll get a question! its for their quiz event that i mentioned above

of course i knew all the answers muahahahaha ^^ wish me luck! i hope i win something! anything! even a voicecall!!
*update* some photos from the From Star and Staff Diary pages ^^
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