there was fresh air though, so i enjoyed that ^^
it cleared up soon and there was very pretty yellow sunset outside my bedroom window.
it rained quite hard after that~
right now its just a calm november night :)
OMG why am i writing about the weather XD
i'm going to watch Breaking Dawn part 2 with my siblings tomorrow! ^^ and our KL trip's bookings have all been finalized: we'll be on a 3 day 2 night stay in KL from the 8th to the 10th to go shopping and to celebrate my brother's birthday ^^
did i mention that i just hit 200 followers on twitter? ^^ it might not be a lot, but for someone who only has a handful of friends on twitter, i felt that it was worth mentioning. i also hit 10k+ tweets. quite few la, actually. i should have more if i'm in a tweeting mode more often
*ahem* buy me a new phone *ahem*
i hit 291 photos and 290 followers on instagram too ^^
i just finished doing all ny facials and right now i'm lying in bed listening to Jessica's "Because Tears are Overflowing" :') such a pretty song~
my eyes hurt now @.@
should i stay up and read tonight?
*ps now listening to UKISS' Believe and thought that that would be a better title for tonight's post :) reason? because this is Crystal's fave song from UKISS :( its even her ringtone. i miss talking to Crystal. all of us should just be friends again D: 친구야, 보고싶다! ㅠ.ㅠ
*pps next track that came on was Jason Chen's Best Friend. LOL. speechless at that coincidence.

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